
Hotels, supermarkets, cafés, bookstores, bakeries, fashion stores, hospitals and department stores: all types of companies use Beekwilder's expertise and products. We are happy to think along with you about product presentations, decorative support for your brand and creating the right atmosphere in your business.


Portfolio Decoration

Throughout the year we work behind the scenes preparing for the Christmas season. Beautiful new atmospheric themes are created, new items are purchased and routes are planned. View our portfolio to get an impression of what we can do for you.

View Portfolio Decoration

Portfolio Outdoor Decoration

A unique facade or a Christmas tree full of lights? View our portfolio with inspiration and outdoor decoration for your own facade or outdoor environment.

View Portfolio Outdoor Decoration

Previous customer projects

Displaying and presenting is a craftsmanship. How do you start a shop window or presentation and how do you know if the set-up is ready to present? What colors and materials are you looking for? Browse through a selection from our previous projects to get an impression of the possibilities.

View customer projects

Get in touch

Curious about what we can do for you? Call us on workdays between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm on +31 (0)20 623 32 22 or send us an email. You can also leave your details through our contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible. 

Get in touch